Come rejuvenate in the hot
and cold waters,
saunas, and steam of TOTOPA
公園は、あらゆる人々が集う場所である。老若男女を問わず、休憩して安らいだり、 レジャーや運動を友人と楽しんだり、思い思いに過ごすことができる。 そんな公園にあるTOTOPA では、さまざまな人にととのいの場を提供する。男性も 女性も自分なりのルーティンで、心と身体をととのえることができる。サウナや蒸し湯 で自己に没入するも良し、ラウンジで友達と交流するも良し、運動後に湯船でリフ レッシュするも良し。ととのえるスパとして、新たなリラクゼーションを提供する。 A park is a place for everyone to relax, have fun, and rejuvenate. There is something for everyone and no one single way to enjoy and restore yourself. Just like Meiji Park which it’s located in, Totopa can be enjoyed by all walks of life in many different ways. Immerse yourself in the various saunas, hot and cold baths, and refreshing lounges to your heart's content. Totopa offers a new way to relax both your mind and body.
女性フロア Women’s floor
男性フロア Men’s floor
*current pricing
We only accept cashless payment.
(¥2,178 tax in)
/ 〜1h
(¥3,278 tax in)
/ 〜2h
(¥4,378 tax in)
/ 〜3h
(¥6,578 tax in)
/ 3h〜
会員登録が必要になります。 To experience Totopa please register
via the Totopa LINE app using the new friend function.
シャンプー完備。 Please pay in advance at the reception.
Spa use is also available for non-members.
Facilities include powder rooms, showers,
complimentary towels, shampoo, etc.
Guests with tattoos are welcome. However, regardless of whether a guest has tattoos, we do not allow entry to members of organized crime groups or antisocial organizations.
We do not accept reservations. You are welcome to visit at any time during our business hours. (Please note that during busy periods, you may be required to wait for entry.)
現在定休日などは設けておりません。設備点検等で休館となる場合 は、インスタグラム、LINE 等でお知らせをいたします。
We currently do not have any regular closed days. For any irregular closures please check our instagram or official LINE app for updates.
We do not have our own parking lot for bikes or cars. Please use nearby parking lots when visiting by bike or car.
混雑状況については、LINE お友だち登録後にLINEミニアプリにてご確認いただくことが可能です。
You can check the current crowd conditions via our official LINE app after registering as a LINE friend.
Points are currently being awarded in the app, but we are still determining the details regarding point redemption for products. Once finalized, we will inform customers via LINE, Instagram, and other channels.
当店は、キャッシュレス決済のみとなっております。クレジットカード・ 交通系IC カード・スマホによるQR 決済などが可能です。
Our store only accepts cashless payments. You can use credit cards, transportation IC cards, or QR code payments via smartphone.
浴用品などのお忘れ物については、原則3 日間の保管とさせていた だきます。お客様よりお問い合わせがあり、該当物が特定できたもの については、連絡後1 週間以内の保管をいたします。保管期間中に てお引き取りをお願いいたします。 お忘れ物に関するお問い合わせはメールで受け付けております。24 時間以内に返信させていただきます。
Forgotten items, such as bath supplies, are generally kept for three days. If you contact us and we can identify the item, we will store it for one week after contacting you. Please collect your item within this period. Inquiries about forgotten items can be made via email, and we will respond within 24 hours.
There is no age limit for entry. However, we do not permit individuals who wear diapers, training pants, or are otherwise not in control of their bodily functions to use the bath.
Due to Tokyo regulations, elementary school-age children and older cannot use the bath for the opposite gender. This also applies to children under elementary school age who are taller than 120 cm.
当店は子供料金等の区分は設けておりません。Web サイト記載の価格のみの区分となっております。
We do not have separate pricing for children. The only available pricing is what is listed on our website.
- 保護者の同伴を伴わない、お子様のみでの利用
- 深水風呂(3F) の利用
- 浴室内などでのお子様のみでの単独行動(事故防止のため保護 者の方と一緒に行動をお願いします。)
- - Children using the facility without adult supervision.
- - Use of the deep cold bath (3rd floor).
- - Children being left unsupervised in the bathing areas (please ensure that they are accompanied by a guardian to prevent accidents).
The Runner’s Lockers are subject to an extension fee if you exceed the time limit (¥1,100 including tax for every 3 hours). If you plan to use the sauna or bath facilities after using the locker, please notify the front desk. Sauna and bath access requires a separate fee. Items included with the Runner’s Lockers: shower room, shampoo, conditioner, body soap, hairdryer, and towel set
We provide free amenities such as towels, shampoo, conditioner, facial wash, and body soap. However, we do not provide razors or toothbrushes. Hairdryers are available, but you are welcome to bring your own if preferred.
We do not allow the bringing of outside food or drinks. Please feel free to enjoy our variety of complimentary beverages.
We use a system where you must register via the LINE Totopa app to enter. Please register before visiting. If you do not use LINE or do not have a smartphone, we will provide you with a special QR code at the front desk. Please note that in this case, you will not be eligible for coupons or points. Additionally, each guest must have their own membership registration.
We do not have a system for re-entry once you leave. Our pricing is based on the time spent at the facility. The amount is calculated based on your time of entry and departure.
Our facility is divided by gender, with the 2nd floor for women and the 3rd floor for men.
Each guest must pay their own bill, and we cannot combine bills for multiple guests.
Our facility is entirely non-smoking, and there is no designated smoking area available.
We have a fitness area equipped with stationary bikes. Please use the bikes while wearing appropriate clothing. The use of the bikes is included in the facility usage fee.
You cannot wear swimsuits or rash guards in the bathing or sauna areas. Please remove your clothing before entering these areas.
If you have any inquiries regarding lost items, how to use the facility, or any other questions, please contact us via email. We aim to respond within 24 hours.
営業時間 11:00-23:00(最終受付22:00)
Business hours 11:00-23:00 (Last entry 10pm)
Contact totopa01_contact@tt-resort.co.jp